La obra de Nikita Nomerz la descubrí (como siempre) de casualidad, y solo de ver unos segundos su obra decidí enseñárosla porqué me parce muy divertida, pero sobretodo innovadora.
El escenario de sus obras es su Rusia natal, donde busca edificios abandonados para plasmar sus audaces obras, y de esta manera dar vida a esos aburridos edificios. A este arte se le llama arte callejero, aún que también muchas personas se refieren a él como ''distorsión urbana''. Me declaro fan.
The work of Nikita Nomerz discovered it (as always) by chance, and only see a few seconds his work decided to show it to you, because it's fun, but above all innovative.The scenario of his works is his native Russia, where to search abandoned buildings to capture his bold works, and in this way give life to those boring buildings. This art is called street art, yet that also many people refer to it as "urban distortion". I declare myself a fan.
The work of Nikita Nomerz discovered it (as always) by chance, and only see a few seconds his work decided to show it to you, because it's fun, but above all innovative.The scenario of his works is his native Russia, where to search abandoned buildings to capture his bold works, and in this way give life to those boring buildings. This art is called street art, yet that also many people refer to it as "urban distortion". I declare myself a fan.